FireFox 1.5

Well, the new release of FireFox is out and it is not looking bad. It is really refreshing to see that after the browser wars were supposed to be over, we are seeing again some healthy competition. There are already…

Shameless Self Promotion

Since I finally decided to follow my most basic instincts/conscience/sudden inspiration/whatever and setup a personal web site, I am now promoting it… Please check or for my page. You will be able to get to this blog at…

Thanks to Lauren!

I just wanted to step back and thank my collegue Lauren Wood for her superb efforts organizing the XML conference (for the 5th year!). As a speaker, as well as an attendee, this was a most pleasant and interesting conference.

Updated my paper for XML 2005

For all attendees of XML 2005: I just updated my paper on Using SAML for Platform Security. Please check for the updated version. All non-attendees: The proceedings will be made publicly available by Nov 30, this year. I will also…