Nothing better that coming back from blog hibernation than dishing out a layer cake. Since our new web guard just ate my description of this model, I will include a more detailed explanation later.
Category: Interoperability
Marc just made my day by sending me the link to the official submission of WADL to the W3C. Quick background: WADL (Web Application Description Language) is a simple interface definition language, specifically targeted at RESTful applications. It is significantly…
Interesting news this week: Microsoft, SAP, and Siemens have been awarded the SAML interoperable certification for their SAML 2.0 products for the first time. From a customer perspective this excellent news – cross-vendor certifications by independent third parties are a…
In an earlier article I talked about data ownership – or lack thereof – at a low, technical level. There are three principal technical actors: the physical custodian, the logical custodian, and the data originator. This article deals with the…
For some time I have been working with a number of folks at MITRE on a simple representation for electronic health data. Digging into the depth of various standards organizations such as HL7, HITSP, or HIMSS was interesting, painful, and…
Since recently, I am involved in selecting technologies (not vendors, mind you!) for distributed systems. While highly interesting, I am now faced with the age-old issue of interoperability and claimed adherence to standards. We all know the games companies and…
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is considering to invalidate many (if not most) software patents and significantly restrict the issuance of new process patents. No doubt, intellectual property does deserve decent protection, and I think that this move…
During TechEd 2008, I participated in a Panel discussion on Web Services Interoperability. Microsoft just put up the tape on their TechNet Library site. They also have a WMV video feed, and a MP3 audio-only feed.
Just back from Orlando, here are some takeaways from this year’s TechEd 2008 for IT-pros: Interoperability with SOAP based web services is progressing: I was part of a panel on interoperability, moderated by Chris Haddad. It was a fairly diverse…
It took quite a while, but by now it is out. Please welcome the Windows CardSpace Information Card extensions for OpenSSO: When I started working on this last spring, I was not even hoping to see this released in…