Another one done. IIW 2007b is over, and – overall – it was quite productive for me.
The biggest takeaway for me is that Concordia and OSIS have made – in my mind – a major step towards harmonization and better coordination. This was reflected in the results of the OSIS steering committee meeting on Wednesday and the following two sessions on Concordia. I am glad that all participants recognized the value of both organizations. As Mike Jones put it, it helps that there is significant overlap in the members.
Other progress was made as well by both groups – the OSIS interop planning session was very fruitful, especially since the planning committee prepared an excellent laundry list document consolidating all test that are in the planning for RSA. I heard great things about the Monday Concordia meeting (which I was unfortunately unable to attend), but also the Use Case session on Wednesday with Paul and Mike was extremely productive.
Finally, the OpenID folks are to be mentioned for making a breakthrough with their 2.0 release, including their IPR regime. I took the Liberty (sic!) to capture the moment that David et al. have been waiting for more than a year:
Overall, the atmosphere seemed a lot mellower, but I can not really follow Dave‘s conclusions – especially concerning his comments about Concordia and OSIS.
tag: iiw2007b, osis, project concordia