This week, we made some pretty good progress toward formalizing the conceptual threat modeling work at OMG: OMG SysA Meeting On Wednesday the team presented the result of the last 3 months of work on the conceptual threat model (please…
Tag: standards
Here is some progress we made recently as part of the OMG threat modeling working group: in order to guide the development of the threat meta mode, we have agreed to scope the work by looking into defining specific use…
We had a number of successful meetings after the OMG Technical Meeting in December, culminating in a Kick-Off Meeting on Jan 6, 2014. At that meeting, we reviewed the current status of the project, and received great guidance and support…
At the OMG Technical Meeting in Santa Clara, CA today I presented some thoughts on creating a comprehensive model for describing information security threats. My session was hosted by the System Assurance Task Force as part of their charter to…
Grahame is talking about “interoperability” and “intraoperability”, as different design philosophies for creating standards for system that “work together”. I feel not too competent to comment on the openEHR vs. HL7 aspects of this discussion, but it might be interesting to…
Keith Boone put up on his blog an informative piece on how to get and use OIDs. If you are in need of an unique object identifier, either for healthcare or otherwise, you should probably head over and take a…
[singlepic id=2 w=320 h=240 float=right] This week was my first as SOA Working Group co-chair, and interesting it was: hData was confirmed to be published as a DSTU with the reconciliation package posted and the specification out. This really wraps up the…
One of the big takeaways for me from this January HL7 meeting is a much better realization how the organization sees clinical documents and messages, and how they relate to distributed services. What I did not realize was how the…
Finalizing the recent series of events, the hData specs have achieved a major milestone: the HL7 hData Record Format was approved to be published as a Draft Standard for Trial Use (DSTU), completing the HL7 project setup to achieve this…