Periodic tables

Paul found an “periodic” table of data visualizations, which is quite nice in its own right (Paul: I think I have seen a knowledge map of the identity landscape some time ago). But I certainly prefer this “periodic” table of…

Be assured …

… that I will not let anybody break my windows – also, they seem to be a little stronger than the Jones’ windows, at least the big one in the spotlight. In the latest round, Pamela explains how a particular…

Assurance revisited

Paul and Pam seem to think that my stance on assurances and trust is hard-line. No Assurance vs. Pseudonymity Paul seems to agree with me to some extend while noting that a concept like self-issued cards can establish a stable…

SAML’s maturity

Tim Bass responds to my objections to his earlier article on the immaturity of modern identity protocols. He makes the valid point that the maturity of a technology should not be measured by the time it has been available, but…

Level of Assurance

Paul picks up on an article by Pam about level of assurance with Windows CardSpace. He emphasizes the important point that assurance is not only affected by the underlying technology, but also by non-technical parameters like contracts. I would go…